Dr. José Gilberto Romero Lozano
Profesional License 5277037 Speciality License 8025782
Endoscopist, Gastrointestinal and bariatric Surgeon.
Surgeon by Mexican Faculty of Medicine of La salle University
Specialty in General Surgery - UNAM
High Specialty Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - UNAM
Specialty in Bariatric Surgery - UNAM
Bariatric Endoscopy - University de Pernambuco, Brazil

Mexican Council of General Surgery
Mexican Council of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery:

is a

People between the ages of 16 and 70 with excess weight of 20 kilos or more, who have followed a diet and a physical activity regimen, without having achieved the desired results.
Patients who have illnesses and/or complications derived from being overweight.
What alternatives exist
for weight loss?

El balón gástrico consiste en colocar un globo de silicón de grado médico en el estómago del paciente mediante endoscopía para conseguir la reducción de peso.
El procedimiento no es quirúrgico (es decir no se opera al paciente), y no requiere de hospitalización.
Dependiendo del paciente se pueden colocar por 4, 6 o hasta 12 meses.
Está indicado para pacientes con sobrepeso hasta obesidad grado I (IMC de 26 – 30).
Una vez finalizado el tratamiento se debe retirar el balón por endoscopía.
¿Cómo funciona?
Funciona ocupando un 60 – 70% de la capacidad del estómago. Al disponer de menor capacidad para almacenar alimentos la sensación de saciedad se alcanza con una ingesta menor de calorías, lo que permite reducir el peso paulatinamente.

Restrictive surgery by excellence.
It intends to reduce the capacity of the stomach by 80 - 90% through its vertical section, forming a tubular stomach.
This also directly affects the production of hormones linked to appetite and satiety.

Over the years it has remained an emblem regarding weight loss surgeries. It consists of sectioning the upper part of the stomach, forming a small reservoir of approximately 60 ml. Next, the intestine is sectioned and connected to the small stomach that was formed in the first stage of the surgery, creating a bridge (bypass) that is finally connected again to the middle part of the intestine where it was sectioned, which allows us to results in a “Y” configuration(hence its name; Roux "Y" gastric bypass).

This surgery is similar to the Roux-in-Y gastric bypass, with the difference that the minigastric bypass or bypass of an anastomosis does not require the section and connection of the intestine that is performed in classic bypass surgery. It is performed by sectioning the upper part of the stomach, forming a small reservoir of approximately 80 ml. The intestine is then connected to the small stomach that was formed in the first stage of the surgery, creating a bypass that bypasses approximately 2 meters of intestine.
This surgery, unlike the other procedures, is performed once the patient has already undergone weight loss surgery.
It is a surgery to repair complications such as ulcers, stenosis (narrowing) of a segment that has closed, dilation (increase in diameter) of a segment that has become larger. Poor weight loss or excessive weight loss. Excessive reflux or abdominal pain that is related to the surgery.

The treatment of excess weight should always be multidisciplinary, which is why an intragastric balloon or surgery is not enough, the monitoring of obesity specialists is vital to achieve the expected result.
All our treatments are Surgical, Pharmacological, Nutritional and Psychological andt follow-up is given at term.
"Surgery is not magic"
Beyond a weight figure, our main interest is that the patient recovers his quality and lifestyle.